Wednesday, 4 April 2007

recycling heaven

As the prefects have decided that we can all manage to fill just one bin every two weeks we had to take one Land Rover's load of rubbish (a week's worth!) to Bristol's lovely dump. Not sure who decided it should be in the middle of Bristol rather than the outskirts but I suspect it was some chinless socialist prefect.

Now the dump itself is lovely and well organised, and recycling always gives a warm glow, but how on earth is residents using thousands of cars (and very scarce petrol) somehow more ecologically sound than having a few lorries do the extra collection each week? It took us about an hour to drive the four miles back the traffic was so appalling. And much of it along routes earmarked for Bristol's superb Supertram which is STILL postponed!!

So unless the prefects want the chavs dropping their litter on the prefects' gravel drives they better start looking at two options - restoring weekly collections and GET THAT FUCKING TRAMWAY BUILT!!

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